The Water Puzzle Workshop

Logo du jeu la Fresque de l'Eau pour sensibiliser aux enjeux de l'eau

The Water Puzzle Workshop

the water puzzle workshop

The Water Puzzle Workshop : 57 cards, 4 games

Discover the issues related to water, its availability, its uses, and its sensitivity to climate change.

This workshop builds a global vision of the water cycle, thanks to a card game set up by the players according to 4 different sets: the natural water cycle, the anthropogenic water cycle (influenced by humans), as well as the impacts of humans and the impact of climate change on these cycles. At the end, a discussion about individual and collective measures that can be taken is launched with the players. An extension composed of three mini-games also better explore the theme of water uses with industrial, domestic and agricultural uses.

This workshop is based on reliable and verified sources, with corresponding resources provided at each step. Its structure is based on the Climate Fresk.

Illustration Jeu 1 de la Fresque de l'Eau, le cycle naturel

Set 1 - The natural cycle

The first game focuses on the natural water cycle. In this game, players must place cards representing the different components of the natural water cycle. They must then link the cards together using other cards that explain the processes which transforms water in different states.

Illustration Jeu 2 de la Fresque de l'Eau, le cycle anthropique de l'eau

Set 2 - The anthropic cycle

The second game focuses on the anthropogenic water cycle. Players must place cards representing the different components of the anthropogenic water cycle, which is itself linked to the natural cycle. Players will then have the opportunity to think about the concepts of withdrawal and consumption.

Illustration Jeu 3 les usages de l'eau

Set 3 - The impacts

The third game is about human impacts on water and its cycle. The players have several human activity cards at their disposal and must link them to impact cards. This game gives an overview of the main impacts of humans on the water cycles.

Illustration Jeu 4 Impact changement climatique sur l'eau

Set 4 - Climate change

The fourth game is the impact of climate change on water and its uses. The increase in the average temperature in the world will have consequences on the water cycle. The players must then place “increase” or “decrease” labels on the previously constructed board.

Add-On The Water Puzzle Workshop - Game on water uses

An add-on is available to discover the main uses of water.

Illustration Mini Jeu 1 usages agricoles

Agricultural use

The game on agricultural uses of water allows for a better understanding of the differences between the concepts of water needs and water footprint.

Illustration Mini Jeu 2 usages domestiques

Domestic use

The game on domestic water use allows to better understand which items use the most water in our daily use.

Illustration Mini Jeu 3 usages industriels

Industrial use

The game on the industrial uses of water allows a better understanding of which industries use the most water.

The Water Puzzle Workshop (Sets 1, 2, 3, 4) L’atelier de la Fresque de l’Eau (Jeux 1, 2, 3 et 4) lasts about 3 hours. The add-on lasts about 45min-1h, and can be done independently, during another session. 

How to do a workshop ?

The association Eau’Dyssée distributes the Water Puzzle Workshop in a civic, associative and event framework, as well as in communities and schools. The association also relies on a network of approved professional animators for a diffusion in companies. 

For now, in English, we propose online session or sessions in Australia. You are interested in developing the workshop in your country ? Contact us here.

You are a private individual

You can see all the open sessions of the Water Puzzle Workshop on the association’s agenda. The price of a workshop is fixed at 10€, which is our only source of income to pay for the costs of the association. If you can’t afford it and you want to participate in a Workshop, send us a message!

Can’t find a date ? Contact us ! Looking for a facilitator near you? Check our map of animators!

You are a community, a city, an association or a school and you wish to organise a workshop ?

Contact us via our form and select « Service Request » 

Becoming an animator

You’ve already participated to a workshop and you wish to become an animator ? You can contact us and select « Becoming an animator » 

The association Eau’Dyssée serves as a platform for the diffusion of the Workshop, created by Laurie Caillouet and Sébastien Legrand. Logo by Saël Teukam Tamo.